Ground Covers to Enhance your Landscaping

by Sharon Faircloth Ground covers are typically thought of as a group of low-lying plants with a spreading habit of growth used to cover the landscape not taken up by our fabulous flowering plants! Creepers can enhance and protect hillsides from erosion, protect hot dry areas, enhance shady spots and assist in weed control. They can be used to enhance year-round visual interest and many varieties are critter resistant. Galium odoratum , Sweet Woodruff next to walkway As in all landscape choices, “right plant, right place” is always the first consideration. Most open spaces in our landscape seem to fill up with weeds. Ground covers are an excellent way to introduce an alternative. There are a number of attractive ground cover plants that will add color, texture, and continuous interest. Plant choice is also important in determining the area you want to cover. The larger the area, the more important the choice. Under the right conditions, g...