Tired of Waiting! Instant Garden! Container Plants!

by Lorrie Redman In the mountains, we always have to wait for the snow to clear, soil to warm up, and frost to end. I admit I am impatient and always have to find ways to garden before these events occur. I overcome my frustration by growing seedlings, potting Christmas bulbs, nurturing micro greens, and watering houseplants. Come May though, I can’t control my need to garden and I want an instant garden. My solution is container planting. I can design, shop, plant and enjoy my mini gardens all in one day. My three favorite mini gardens are shade containers, perennial containers, and herb containers. Container garden by Lorrie Redman • Shade Containers add lots of color to problem areas that are hard to grow annuals in. I can add a container under a tree and bring interest and height in those spots that nothing else grows. Plants I like to use are begonias, coleus and, impatiens. There are so many new variet...