Plants can kill dogs

By Ginger Baer As the warmer weather is arriving many of our native plants will be popping up. Living in the mountains and hiking amongst these beauties is a favorite pastime for many. Taking along our dogs is also not all that unusual. But please beware, there is danger out there for our furry friends. I have heard many people say that our dogs will not eat something if it is not good for them. This is just not true. I have seen many cases of dogs becoming ill after eating something that they should not. It can be heartbreaking to see our pets suffering, not to mention watching the angst in their owners. I am writing this article in an effort to help pet owners and hikers in our beautiful Rocky Mountains become more aware of what they need to look for. This list is not all inclusive, but is gives you a slight idea of what to watch out for. For further information I would refer you to: ASPCA Animal Poison Control Center Phone Number: (888...